
Mint Works - The pocket-sized worker placement game

Created by Five24 Labs

Mint Works is a refreshingly light worker placement game for 1 to 4 players. Easy-to-learn yet deep enough to keep you coming back.

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Stretch Goal 5 Unlocked - Linen Finish Cards & Printed Tin
over 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 03:16:48 PM

Linen Finish

This one is a two for one! Previously we unlocked an upgrade for the card stock for all of the cards making them a little more durable for the wear and tear of traveling in a backpack.  

Now, the card finish has been upgraded! All plan and location cards will now have a beautiful linen finish on them, this makes them look a lot nicer as well as making them even more durable! Plus, linen cards just feel a little nicer.

Printed Tin

Previously, the tin would have only had labels applied to the top and bottom for all of the packaging. However, now the tin will actually have all of that printed directly on its surface!

We no longer have to worry about the labels peeling off or pilling while it rubs around in your pocket or bag generating pocket fuzz!


I’m doing something a little different this time around, our next pledge level is the one that many of you have been asking for since the start! Token Upgrades! However, the material type is not yet set! I want your feedback for that. The rough size of the upgraded mint token is 12mm in diameter and 6mm thick, regardless of the material used!

We have two options here, injection molded plastic or wood. Either choice, the tokens are going to turn out amazing – so vote what you feel. I’ll take your votes into consideration when finalizing the material for the upgraded tokens.

To vote on token material go to

You can vote once per day, and I’ll leave the poll open for a few weeks. I’ll be sure to let everybody know when the deadline on the poll is getting closer.


New Pledge Level

I've gotten a few requests for a pledge level between 2 copies and 10 copies.

Now that all of the Eager Enthusiast rewards have been claimed, I've added a new pledge level at the $45 tier! The Gift Giver reward.

This new reward level comes with Five (5) copies of Mint works and shipping costs for each zone are:  

  • Zone A: $4
  • Zone B: $14
  • Zone C: $54

Mandatory Hedgehog  

And finally, here is sonic checking out the current mint tokens, agreeing that they would be really cool if they were upgraded.


Stretch Goal 4 Unlocked - Premium Cardstock
over 7 years ago – Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 04:47:07 AM

Upgraded cards! YES!

This is one of the stretch goals I really wanted to make it to. Because I'm really picky about card quality, and so I was not all that happy that I had to go with "Industry Standard" card stock. But now! Now! we get to use premium card stock!

This means the cards will last a lot longer, and tolerate the abuse of flopping around inside a bag or pocket a whole lot better!



Going forward we continue into our quest to improve the quality of the components. What will it  be next? Another card upgrade? Those token upgrades everybody really wants? Something entirely different? What's your guess?

 Cute Factor

And here's a little something extra - meet Sonic our pet hedgehog - he likes board games and is very excited about how well campaign is going. Can't you tell?


Stretch Goals 2 and 3 Unlocked - The Co-Op and the Swap Meet
over 7 years ago – Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 04:46:13 AM

Good  Morning

Well it's obvious to see that you are as excited about this as I am! So this is the wild ride we are all on together!

Here we are, under 24 hours in, and you've helped me to get my dream, not only funded, but almost 200% funded! You're gonna get sick of me saying it, but you really do rock!

Let's get on with the unlocked bits!


 The Co-Op

We have a new Production card to join the midst of plans! The Co-Op is a fun, cheap card that works like the other production cards, getting your more mints each round. However this one, you have to choose another player to get a mint as well, not just yourself!

It makes for interesting choices each round, as you have to decide who is going to get that extra mint, and hopefully you don't give somebody the mint they needed to lock up the end of the game before you have the opportunity.

But wait, isn't this pointless in a 2 player game!? Nope! Mint's wise,  its a wash - you both gain an extra mint a round, which just makes things progress a bit quicker. You still get a point for 1 mint as the owner! Far more efficient points than a typical production plan. Plus it is one more low cost plan to use with the next stretch goal


The Swap Meet

The swap meet is a fun location to bring in after a few games. It really turns some of the initial strategies on their head! Do i save up for 5 mints to get that assembler? or do i buy the Co-Op and sit on it?

The swap meet allows you to spend 2 mints to put a plan that you have already bought back in the supply while taking one of the plans in the supply and placing it face down in front of you as though you just bought it!

Not only is it a means of potentially saving mint cost on a plan, it lets you get into the market when the dealership is all blocked up in 2-3 player games!


Looking forward we are moving into some component upgrade goals I wonder what they will be? Card quality? Those wooden tokens everybody wants? What do you think?