
Mint Works - The pocket-sized worker placement game

Created by Five24 Labs

Mint Works is a refreshingly light worker placement game for 1 to 4 players. Easy-to-learn yet deep enough to keep you coming back.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Status Update - January 3rd 2017
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 10:53:16 PM

Happy New Year!! 

This will be a short update, but a very exciting one nevertheless!

That's because we are on a boat! That's right everything has been loaded on to the APL Houston and is set to arrive in the US at the end of January. Which looks great according to our timeline.


Currently we are right on schedule again, but the estimates for the ship to make it into port in the US ends up putting us ahead of schedule a gain potentially. This is super exciting!


Status Update


As you can see we are doing really well with the status of things! I managed to get all of the Backer T-Shirts into the mail today, so they are all on their way, woo hoo! And now our last section is in progress with the boat on its way!


Updated Website

I finally got the Five24 Labs website updated and pushed live yesterday, feel free to check it out


Wall of Contributors

Along with the website update, I was finally able to get the Wall of Contributors online, it's not in great shape, but it's mostly there. The page is very large and can be quite intense for your browser to load it, but it's there.

I'll be working to improve the WOC so it's much more usable, and doesn't make browsers sad.


That's all I have for this time (sorry no new hedgehog pictures!) I'll see you again in 2 weeks!


Status Update - December 20th 2016
over 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 11:04:32 PM

Here we are, the last update of 2016! Can you believe it?! I barely can. Sonic is really struggling with this fact as well. He's really got a bah-humbug spirit about the holidays, I think he's nuts. We've got lots of happy things to talk about so let's do!

Today's Agenda:

  • Status Update
  • Timeline Update
  • Production Status
  • T-Shirts
  • Most Anticipated Games of 2017
  • BGG 2016 Mint Tin Competition 
  • Great Plains Game Festival
  • Ho Ho Ho Hedgehog


Status Update


Things are moving along nicely! According to this list here, we are actually ahead of schedule having production complete 11 days early! Yes! That's right! Production is now complete! More on that later...


Timeline Update


According to this overview timeline we are right on schedule, finishing up with production before the end of December, and moving into the "Pre-Freight" zone. That means we should hopefully be on a boat in the near future and the games will begin their slow journey to the US. After which Fulfillment prep, and then fulfillment itself will begin!


Production Status

Production is complete! Woo hoo! This is very exciting! Here are a few pictures of the end of production and the final stacks of cases.

Cards all bundled up and ready for assembly
Cards all bundled up and ready for assembly


Assembly Part 1
Assembly Part 1


Assembly Part 2: The Sequel
Assembly Part 2: The Sequel


Minty fresh, and ready to load on to the boat!
Minty fresh, and ready to load on to the boat!



The backer exclusive T-Shirts have been ordered and production will begin on them shortly, once those are all completed I'll start mailing those out as well.

If you did not order a backer exclusive T-Shirt but still want to you have until Thursday December 22nd @ Midnight Central to message me here on Kickstarter to let me know. This is your last chance to order one of the shirts, as once they begin production no more will be ordered!


Most Anticipated Games of 2017

I mentioned back in November that Mint Works was up for nominations for the Most Anticipated Game of 2017 awards on BGG, and many of you have gone that direction and given a vote. Thank you! This is so exciting!

As things stand right now Mint Works qualifies for the final vote of "Economic" game which is super exciting! However.. this is the only category that we are in the final vote... for now. We still have time to change that!

If we get as few as another 100 votes we have a good chance at being in the final vote for Overall, Crowdfunded and Solitaire as well. So, if you haven't had a chance to give a thumb to Mint Works in the nomination thread yet, all you have to do is go to this link and click the thumb (as long as you are logged in to BGG that is):

Vote for Mint Works to be on the ballot as Most Anticipated Game of 2017


BGG 2016 Mint Tin Competition

The 2016 Mint Tin competition is well under way and there is a bout a week left to vote for games. If you haven't had a chance to check any of the games out yet, I highly recommend looking into it. There are a few in there that are pretty cool!

I think Master Assassin and CivMint both seem pretty fun. What do you think?

You can see a full list of all the games entered in the competition here on BGG.


Great Plains Game Festival

The Great Plains Game Festival or GPGF for short, is coming up soon! February 24th thru the 26th to be exact! It's a local game convention here in Lincoln that has a really good number of people that turn up each year.

It's got a really great library to check games out of, and lots of friendly people around to game with, or you can bring your whole gaming crew to play as well.

Rumor has it there's going to be a "Giant" version of Mint Works at the convention this year... Well I'm here to say that rumor.. is.. not a rumor anymore! It's going to happen and here's a picture to give an idea of the size of the giant version of Mint Works!

That's a regular sized "Leadership Council" card
That's a regular sized "Leadership Council" card

Five24 Labs will be there all weekend showing off the Giant Mint works as well as a few of our other games that are in the later stages of development, so if you're in the area you should definitely swing on by!

You can head to to find out more info about GPGF such as where, when and how much.


Ho Ho Ho Hedgehog

And the moment you have all been waiting for, Sonic! showing off his overflowing festive cheer!

"Oooh I get to wear a hat!?"
"Oooh I get to wear a hat!?"


Bah Humbug! It's a Santa hat! Yuck!
Bah Humbug! It's a Santa hat! Yuck!


"Is the hat still on me?"
"Is the hat still on me?"


"Ugh it's still there!!"
"Ugh it's still there!!"


*Sigh* "Ok fine... 'Ho Ho Ho' or something."
*Sigh* "Ok fine... 'Ho Ho Ho' or something."



Status Update - December 6th 2016
over 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 11:29:19 PM

Hey there everyone! Not much news to report this time around, but I want to stick to the schedule I set up. 

As of right now we are on track to complete production by the 20th of December still. Hooray! Which means the next update is on the same date that we plan to wrap up production!

To tide you over until then here are a bunch of pictures of Mint Works in production!













Status Update - November 22th 2016
over 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 11:46:16 PM

November is nearing its end, and production is moving along wonderfully. I have a couple pictures of production to share, and some basic status updates stuff.

Also, since we are a little light on news, I want to spread some of the word for a few other things going on. In this update:

  • Production Status
  • Timeline
  • Surveys & Address Changes
  • 2016 Mint Tin Competition
  • Most Anticipated Games of 2017
  • Spread the Love
  • Thankful Hedgehog


Production Status


Things are moving along nicely with production, components are being made and everything is progressing as we would like. I have word from the manufacturer that if things stay on the schedule they are currently on, manufacturing will be done around December 20th this year. This is great and keeps us on track with our timeline, if not a little early.

Here are a couple pictures of the Starting Player Tokens in mass quantity. I also have word of some pictures of the cards on the presses coming soon too. I may send out a mini update when those come along, if not they will be in the next major update for sure.


Some Starting Player Tokens
Some Starting Player Tokens


Even more Starting Player Tokens!
Even more Starting Player Tokens!



We are progressing nicely along our timeline, and as things are progressing we are still following it as to be expected. Super exciting!


Surveys & Address Changes

There has been a few concerns about changing addresses for your pledge, so I wanted to bring that up for a moment. If you need to change your address, simply head over to and update your information there.

The process will validate the new info and will make sure it's all copacetic. A few people have messaged me to update it, and I'm happy to help out - but it's much better if you enter your address info instead of me, because you will know for sure if it's exactly correct.

I'll be closing down survey responses on Wednesday, November 30th. This means yo won't be able to change your survey responses after that. You will still be able to update your address information as needed.

If you have not gotten an email from BackerKit to fill out your survey, please let me know so I can make sure you get the info. Check your spam folders. I sent out a reminder to the last few people who have not filled them out yet. So you should have something from today in your junk folders or inboxes.


2016 Mint Tin Competition

As many of you are aware, Mint Works was created in response to the 2015 Mint Tin Competition, and I ended up developing it further after that and bringing it here to Kickstarter.

Well, R4D6 has created another competition for 2016, and I decided to enter it. As well as many other designers. There are a lot of cool games in there to be printed out and tested. I highly recommend you head over there and try out a game or two.

If you can give feedback before the end of the month that would greatly help out to let the designers finalize before December 13th, which is when voting begins.

You can see a full list of all the games entered in the competition here on BGG.


Most Anticipated Games of 2017

Another piece of BGG news, Mint Works has been nominated for most anticipated game in the following categories:

  • Crowdfunded
  • Solitaire
  • Economic

Please swing by the nomination page and give a thumb to show your support. In January, when voting opens, I'll mention it again so you can swing by and vote as well. Let's show BGG just how excited for Mint Works we are!


Spread the Love

Fellow publishers, Punch-It Entertainment, from here in Lincoln have recently launched a new game on Kickstarter, Pompeii: Wrath of Vesuvius, and it didn't see as powerful of a launch as we had all hoped. So I wanted to bring a little more attention to it.

It's a lighter game that has a wealth of game theory and bluffing mixed in. I love games like this and it all fits together really well with the theme. 

In short, everybody secretly places points onto the board building up the side of the mountain. Then everybody takes turns destroying the hidden points with lava as it comes down the mountain. The player that managed to bluff points placement the best ends up with the most points and wins.

To see a much better overview of the game, please check out their campaign page:

Pompeii: Wrath of Vesuvius


Thankful Hedgehog

Sonic is looking forward to Thanksgiving it seems, he's been prepping by chowing down on some food.


Status Update - November 8th 2016
over 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 11:31:55 PM

Greetings again! Things are definitely slower now than they were in previous updates. Not a lot has gone one, but the thing you care about most in these updates (Mint Works, not the hedgehog) is progressing wonderfully!

In this Update:

  • Status Update
  • Physical Prototype
  • Eager Enthusiasts
  • Timeline Update
  • Hedgehog


Status Update


This yesterday evening I received a package in the mail that contained the Physical Prototype for Mint Works! This is super exciting! I opened it all up looked over everything and approved it. No changes needed to be made, and I've given the word to begin mass production! woo hoo!

So, about that prototype, you want to see some pictures?! I knew you would!


Physical Prototype

Here are a few pictures of the physical prototype. I'll be posting more to BGG and the Five24 Labs website as time progresses.






Eager Enthusiasts

It looks like all of the US-Based Eager Enthusiasts have received their hand made advance copies, huzzah!

Unfortunately, this isn't true for all of the international Eager Enthusiasts. Due to some poor procedure on my end, several of the packages went out to incorrect addresses. The good news is some have made it, and some have come back to me to be re-mailed to the proper addresses.

As of right now, my list shows 4 Advance Copies that are not accounted for as either Confirmed Delivered, or in transit. I've messaged the 4 people who these copies belong to and I'm working on resolving the issues.

I do want to apologize again to all of the international Eager Enthusiasts, and I'm trying to get you your advance copies as soon as humanly possible!


Timeline Update


As you can see above, we are only barely behind schedule on when we were to start Production, but I think this will be OK. Things seem to be moving along nicely other than that.

This means that surveys will be locked down on November 30th.

This means that your responses are all solidified, and you will be charged for any extra items you've added to your pledge in BackerKit. You will still be able to edit your address as needed until we begin the fulfillment process of delivering copies out to everyone.



Sorry, this is the best picture I have of him right now...